2016 – a historic year?

I feel that 2016 is likely to be one of those historic years in a way that the history books tell us 1956 and the Suez crisis was in marking the very end of the UK’s power as an empire or 1989 was with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the beginning of Glasnost and Perestroika that followed.

I kept the TV on both election nights and in watch, as a woke up at different points in the night, the world I knew (I thought I knew) take a very different direction.



I’m not sure what the implications of these decisions will be, but to say they were unexpected is an understatement. The next 20 to 50 years will answer the question of whether these events are historic and where the world order began to change or just minor blips on the road to globalised capitalism.

About Pete

South Londoner struggling with life, art and photography.
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